Women's Plazo Yogi Pants
Srila Prabhupada Brass Deity 3"
Boys Kurta -- Jute, White
Altar Decoration, Om Sign, 2.7"
Petticoat for wearing under sari
Radha Krishna with Cow Stand
Yogi Pants White Cotton
The Hills of Varsana
Laddu Gopal Brass Deity 8"

gaura nitai clothing

By Keith

My deities love the clothes so do I! :-) jai

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Priceless Nectar for the price of meal

By Craig Neubauer

I have many of Prabhupada's original books in hardcover and paperback which I love. However, I love ...

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Arrival of Sri Mrdanga!

By Atmavidya das

Jaaaayyy prabhu!!!!! Today is a very special day because I have received Sri Mrdanga! It is very be ...

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Great products Timely delivery

By Ken Pfeifer

Very good selection well priced

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A happy Canadian eh

By Carolyn Brown

My orders had to be separated, but both made it in speedy time; the tulsi beads are wonderful and I ...

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simply amazing!

By Dipen Kunverjibhai Patel

Hare Krishna! I am so much happy with my purchase. I had been looking for quite some time to buy the ...

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Very beautiful

By Hayati Shah

My daughter is very happy with the little krishna and radha and all other soft dolls.. Thank u so mu ...

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Quick service, big range of devotional items

By David Hooper

Quick delivery and a really good range of devotional items that it would be hard to bring from India ...

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Great prices and good quality

By Drsta Dasa

I needed to purchase several long sleeve kurtas and when I shopped on line I found several sites tha ...

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Very Grateful!!!

By Brahmanda Ghat Das

I recieved my products in the correct date. I´m satisfied with my purchase, te Deity Offer cups ...

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Excellent customer service and beautiful deities

By Kaveshin Naidu

I was truly blessed to find this on-line store. The customer service was excellent and the deities o ...

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very good

By Lincoln Macedo

the package arrives in time, and the product is execelent.

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By Christopher Gebiya

Love this Mridanga and the fact that it's tunable. Shipping was pretty quick and products were all g ...

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Haribol! I am your customer than half a year and I'm very happy

By Haribhakti

I like incense from Vrindavan and beautifully embroidered handbags and purses. I will soon order for ...

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Hare Krishna!

By Kelly Phelps

Fast and fair, as Lord Krishna would have it.

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